Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Critz

Lt. governor: Critz is best for the Democratic ticket
May 4, 2014 12:00 AM
By the Editorial Board

Until Pennsylvania has a more rational way to nominate candidates for lieutenant governor — such as letting gubernatorial nominees pick their running mates — voters will have to scrutinize those seeking the No. 2 spot on the ticket even when they don’t know who No. 1 will be.

In the May 20 primary, the Republican contender, incumbent Jim Cawley, is unopposed. Democratic voters, however, will choose from five candidates for their nominee: state Rep. Brandon Neuman of Washington County, 32; Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith Jr., 36; Harrisburg Councilman Brad Koplinski, 44; state Sen. Michael Stack of Philadelphia, 50, and former U.S. Rep. Mark Critz of Johnstown, 52.

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